Again we took Vanessa and the Birkin and went on the Saturday when the dry and sunny weather made the trip and setting up camp very enjoyable. In fact, for the first time in living memory it was dry all weekend, although the Stoneleigh wind would not go away. It was also a repeat of last year in that apart from Vanessa it was the same all Birkin camping line up. Day visitors added a bit more variety but again some regulars were prevented from coming.
The general impression was that attendance, exhibiters and trade stands were all down on previous years but there was still plenty to see and and we fulfilled our shopping list. Hopefully, the economic climate will have improved for next year.
On Saturday we had a birthday dinner for Yoland who turned seventy that day. She also laid claim to being the oldest lady driving a se7en to the show. We had the usual barbecue on Sunday and both evenings produced a wealth of entertaining stories.
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