As on the first evening meeting at the Royal Hill, the weather was glorious and the setting beautiful. Word must be getting around as about 50 vehicles turned up including an American camper van with HUGE TV screen in the back and the splendid arrival of about 12 minis - always such great supporters of this event.
When I arrived at the pub at 6.30, the chef told me he would only be taking orders until 7.30. It was the first I had heard of this restriction but we made a point of telling everyone as they arrived. When the Minis arrived at 8.00 they were refused food and, quite understandably, some moved on to the nearbye Tontine hotel which took good care of their needs.
At 10.30 that night I got a very abusive telephone call from the chef at the Royal Hill which ended by him banning ShACC from holding our event there next year. This was a very sad ending to what has been an excellent relationship with the pub for the previous 4 years. Needless to say the Royal Hill is now on our boycotted list