Our planned Drive It Day outing to Shelsley had to be cancelled simply because we found that the Classic Day was really restricted to paying participants and not a spectator event. Hence, the Breakfast Club gathering the week before at Cosford had to act once again as our Drive It Day and museum visit events.
We set off at an ungodly hour so as to meet up and leave the M54 services in convoy at 8.30 for the short trip to Cosford. There was some compensation for the early hour by being blessed for the second year running with beautiful fine weather.
As usual, there were hundreds of cars turned out but it has to be said that the majority were, as Colin McColl described them, average. The event seems to be attracting more and more modern “every day” cars and less of the more unusual vintage, classics and kits. Nevertheless, there were some interesting vehicles to look at - again the ShACC turn out added some variety, ranging from Jo and Rob Green’s Mexico to Lindsay Thomson`s immaculate Dax Tojeiro Cobra. The museum remains impressive and this year there was a new exhibit about women in the air force, plus the breakfast is good value.